In this insightful episode of EMS One-Stop, join us as we delve into the world of EMS leadership with two exceptional chief operating officers, Danielle Thomas and Carly Strong. Host Rob Lawrence engages in a candid conversation with Thomas and Strong, exploring their unique journeys, challenges and advice for emerging leaders in the field.

Carly Strong shares invaluable advice for aspiring leaders, emphasizing the importance of seizing opportunities, utilizing resources and prioritizing self-care. She encourages leaders to be consistent, fair and resilient, even in the face of unpopular decisions. Drawing from her own experiences, Strong underscores the significance of continuous learning and stepping out of one’s comfort zone.

Danielle Thomas sheds light on the pivotal role of people-related matters in leadership, advocating for dedicating ample time to recruitment, retention and development. She reflects on the importance of mentoring and pulling up the next generation of leaders, drawing inspiration from influential figures in her career. Thomas also highlights initiatives like Ready.Next! by the California Ambulance Association, aimed at educating and empowering future leaders through practical skills and knowledge.

Together, Thomas and Strong offer invaluable insights and advice for navigating the complexities of EMS leadership, making this episode a must-listen for anyone aspiring to lead in the field. Tune in and discover the keys to effective leadership in EMS.

Top quotes from this episode

“Use all of your resources. Ask for help, and I think us as leaders need to be very mindful when we are bringing these young leaders in and promoting within … focus on self-care, kind of time management, and that’s something that was not ever talked to me.” — Carly Strong

“It is exhausting to do what we do well … I believe that 40% of the C-suite’s time should be spent on people. Whether it’s recruitment or retention or development, our time spent checking the boxes on processes is not what’s going to retain the people.” — Danielle Thomas

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“As long as you’re consistent and fair, and do the right thing, you will always win. You might not be viewed that way, but understand as you come into those positions, you’re taking an unpopular position. Just do the best you can and take every opportunity, even if you don’t feel comfortable.” — Carly Strong

“If you as a leader do not give back and pull up others, and they’ve never had a leader to fight for them…we’re going to affect our businesses in ways that we never thought, but it takes time and effort.” — Danielle Thomas

“You never know who your next leader is going to be. Seek out your own education. Learn from others, go into accounting and learn. I’m not comfortable with accounting, but I need to know that in my role.” — Carly Strong

“But the magic, the secret sauce, is talking to people, it’s connecting with them and soliciting information.” — Danielle Thomas

“Why is it so exceptional that I’m a female leader in EMS?” — Carly Strong

About the Author: LifeLine EMS

LifeLine EMS
LifeLine EMS is the leading response medical transportation agency in Southern California, offering EMT, Paramedic, and Critical Care level services to patients in the communities we serve. We will focus our efforts on increasing our contracted hospital partners and expanding our scope of services to include Mobile Integrated Health and new educational efforts for EMS professionals.

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