June 24, 2024 — Los Angeles, CA — LifeLine EMS is proud to announce that it is the first EMS agency in Southern California to have its entire leadership team complete the Trauma Informed Leadership Program through Before Operational Stress (BOS). This significant milestone underscores our commitment to prioritizing mental health and resilience among our staff, who work tirelessly on the frontlines of patient care at levels ranging from EMT to Critical Care Nurse.

In addition to our leadership team’s participation, LifeLine EMS extended the opportunity to the entire clinical staff, demonstrating our dedication to supporting the mental well-being of every member of our team.

The Trauma Informed Leadership Program, developed by BOS, is a proactive, resiliency-based program specifically designed for first responders, frontline workers, and other trauma-exposed professions. Created by leading mental health experts and psychologists, this program provides practical tools to manage operational stress effectively.

“For trauma-exposed professionals, the battle does not stop when the workday ends, and some of the toughest battles are often the invisible ones,” said Dr. Megan McElheran, founder of BOS and Chief Clinician and CEO of Wayfound Mental Health Group. “Our program equips participants with resources and skills to help them understand and react to stress in healthier ways.”

The BOS program has shown emerging evidence of its effectiveness in improving mental health outcomes. Offered both in the classroom and online through a self-paced learning modality, the program provides flexibility for participants to engage in a manner that suits their needs.

“Completing the BOS Trauma Informed Leadership Program is a testament to our commitment to our team’s well-being,” said Maxim Gorin, CEO of LifeLine EMS. “By being the first EMS agency in Southern California to achieve this, we are setting a new standard for mental health awareness and support in our industry. We believe that by investing in our leaders’ ability to recognize and manage the mental health of EMS clinicians, we create a more supportive and resilient environment for all our employees, ultimately enhancing the quality of care we provide to our community.”

For more information about the BOS program or to learn how it can benefit your organization, please visit the BOS website at www.beforeoperationalstress.com

Start Your Next Career In EMS

LifeLine EMS offers several different career pathways within EMS; Field Operations, Communications, Fleet Management, Administration, Business Development, and Finance.

Start Your Next Career In EMS

LifeLine EMS offers several different career pathways within EMS; Field Operations, Communications, Fleet Management, Administration, Business Development, and Finance.

About LifeLine EMS

From large hospital networks and healthcare systems to skilled nursing facilities, we are the trusted ambulance provider throughout Southern California. Our innovation allows us to provide comprehensive patient movement solutions for healthcare systems through clinical excellence and standardized best practices. We operate in both the emergency and non-emergency healthcare and transportation space, at levels from EMT, Paramedic, Respiratory Therapist, and Critical Care Nursing. Education and career pathway progression along with leadership excellence and culture focus allow LifeLine EMS to be positioned as a leader within our space, doing better tomorrow than we did today. Visit www.lifeline-ems.com for more information.

About BOS

Before Operational Stress (BOS) is a proactive and resiliency-based program specifically designed for first responders, frontline workers, and other trauma-exposed professions. Developed by leading mental health experts and psychologists, BOS provides practical tools to manage operational stress. The program helps participants learn different ways to understand and react to stress, with emerging evidence demonstrating its effectiveness in improving mental health outcomes. BOS is offered both in the classroom and online through a self-paced learning modality.

For further information or media inquiries, please contact:

BOS Media Contact

Shonda Feddema

BOS Program Director


LifeLine EMS Media Contact

Danielle Thomas

Chief Operating Officer


About the Author: LifeLine EMS

LifeLine EMS
LifeLine EMS is the leading response medical transportation agency in Southern California, offering EMT, Paramedic, and Critical Care level services to patients in the communities we serve. We will focus our efforts on increasing our contracted hospital partners and expanding our scope of services to include Mobile Integrated Health and new educational efforts for EMS professionals.

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